Sunday, December 14, 2008

Ruched Pillow

Cut one piece of fabric 32 inches wide x 25 inches tall.
Cut four strips of fabric 1 inch wide x 30 inches long.
Cut four pieces of ribbon 36 inches long.

1. To hem the side openings, press 1/4 inch to the wrong side of each short side. Press another 3/4 inch to the wrong side to make 3/4-inch finished hems. Topstitch along the inner folded edge.

Folding the side edges twice finishes the inside of the tube neatly.

2. Mark the center of the pillow, 12 1/2 inches from each long edge, with pins at each hemmed edge. Measure 4 inches from the center line toward the long edge and mark at each hemmed edge. Measure 8 inches from the center line in the same direction and mark. This marks the casing lines on the front of the pillow. Repeat on the other side of the center line to make the two casing lines for the pillow back. Chalk-mark lines from side to side for each marking.

3. Lay one narrow strip of fabric centered over each marked line on the wrong side of the pillow fabric. Edgestitch on both sides of the strip, leaving a casing opening of approximately 1/2 inch.

If your fabric raveled easily, cut the strips wider and turn the raw edges under.

4. Fold the pillow in half, matching the raw edges, and stitch a 1/2-inch seam.

Serge or zigzag the seam together to prevent raveling.

5. Attach a safety pin to the end of one piece of ribbon. Feed the safety pin and ribbon through a casing, leaving a few inches exposed at each end.

The safety pin and ribbon should slide easily through the casing.

6. Repeat for the remaining three pieces of ribbon.

7. Insert the pillow form into the pillow tube.

8. Gather the pillow fabric along the ribbon casings, evenly distributing the gathers. Tie the ribbon ends in bows and trim the ribbons as desired.

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